- Apr. 2023 - present: Researcher, NTT
- Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2023: JSPS Research Fellow (DC2), The University of Tokyo
- Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2022: Research Intern, NTT Human Informatics Laboratories
- Adviser: Dr. Kyosuke Nishida and Dr. Taku Hasegawa
- Feb. 2018 – Mar. 2018: Research Intern, NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories
- Adviser: Dr. Kyosuke Nishida
- Sep. 2019 - Mar. 2023: Doctor of Information Science and Technology
- Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
- PhD thesis: “Debiasing Reading Comprehension Models Towards Out-of-Distribution Generalization” [link]
- Adviser: Prof. Akiko Aizawa
- Apr. 2017 - Sep. 2019: Master of Information Science and Technology
- Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
- Master thesis: “Generating Diverse Question-Answer Pairs for Machine Reading Comprehension”
- Adviser: Prof. Akiko Aizawa
- Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2017: Bachelor of Engineering
- Department of Systems Innovation (C), School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
- Adviser: Prof. Katsuyuki Suzuki
- Mar. 2024: Sponsorship Award, the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing
- Jun. 2021: JSAI Incentive Award (2020), the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) (Top 5%)
- Dec. 2020: Presentation Award, NTCIR-15 (co-authored)
- Mar. 2019: Paper Award, the 25th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural
Language Processing (Top 1.7%, co-authored)
- Mar. 2022: Full exemption from repayment for particularly outstanding achievements, Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
- Mar. 2019: Half exemption from repayment for particularly outstanding achievements, Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
- Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2018: UTokyo Toyota-Dwango AI scholarship
- 2025: NAACL
- 2024: EACL, NAACL, ACL, COLM, ARR Apr., EMNLP (Outstanding Reviewer, 3.6%=372/10309), WiNLP
- 2023: ACL, MMM, EMNLP
- 2022: EMNLP, ARR Jan., Mar., Dec.
- 2021: EMNLP, NAACL, TACL2021 (secondary), ARR Nov. (secondary)
- 2020: ACL
- 2019: ACL (secondary)
- Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2023: Research Fellowship (DC2), JSPS (900K JPY)
- Oct. 2021 - Mar. 2022: SPRING, JST (330K JPY)
Other Activities
- Aug. 2024: 論文紹介@最先端NLP勉強会 [slides]
- Jan. 2024: 人工知能学会 博士論文特集 [link]
- Aug. 2023: 論文紹介@最先端NLP勉強会 [slides]
- Mar. 2023: 大規模言語モデルの知識を補完するための Retriever (RAG) の紹介 [link]
- Mar. 2023: 第25回 NLP Dの会 (in Japanese)
- Nov. 2022 - Mar. 2023: Algorithm Engineer Intern, ACES
- Dec. 2021 - Mar. 2023: Researcher, Ememe
- May. 2022: 論文紹介@DL輪読会 [slides]
- Sep. 2021: 論文紹介@最先端NLP勉強会 [slides] (in Japanese)
- Mar. 2021: 第19回 NLP Dの会 (in Japanese)
- Oct. 2020: 論文紹介@DL輪読会 [slides]
- Jul. 2020 - Mar. 2021: Collaborative Research with Matsuo Lab, The University of Tokyo
- Sep. 2020: 論文紹介@最先端NLP勉強会 [slides] (in Japanese)
- Jun. 2020: NII Open House 2020 (poster session) “Artificial Intelligence to Create Reading Comprehension Questions” [poster] (in Japanese)
- Sep. 2019: 論文紹介@最先端NLP勉強会 [slides] (in Japanese)
- May. 2018 - Sep. 2018: Deep Learning for NLP Summer School TA (sponsored by UTokyo)
- Apr. 2018 - Jun. 2018: Making Aidemy’s online course “NLP for Question Answering”